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Whole Grains for People with Celiac Disease and Pre-Diabetes
18 Replies
I have just begun trying to follow your startch smart suggestions, but am needing some suggestions for gluten free whole grains acceptable f ...
4 Replies
I want to have salads for breakfast every other day. Some recipes I see call for mustard. I haven't used that since I was a child. I've neve ...
Article & Blog Comments
Ken, that last sentence is so important. It's the reason why I don't ever "cheat" on my no added oi...
Sean Carney posted a comment in Coconut Oil and Magic Marketing
Donna, I do hope you will share this with your friends. Even if they don't believe it now it may p...
Michele posted a comment in Desirable Cholesterol Numbers
This was another article that went a little bit more in-depth into that Crete study and they even sm...

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